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Soldering machine factory teaching operation soldering machine knowledge

Release time:2020-09-02 15:30Popularity:
As industry quickly send a, artificial production slowly has reflected is the key to the efficiency requirements, however, led to the welding robot and automation equipment, welding robot, and gradually become an important part of the welding industry, makes the machine used by employees for their hand inside have a full understanding, become managers first concern, because only know enough staff on equipment, to convert it into productivity, or dry for a while, stop for a while every day, what also can't do it.As a manufacturer of automatic soldering machine, Yoli is also very clear about the needs of users in this respect. We will also do the corresponding training, but the training time is always limited, and the staff is also more than certain to master all the knowledge. Today we summarize some of the use of automatic soldering machine, hoping to help you.
A brief introduction of automatic soldering machine
Automatic soldering machine is a kind of automatic soldering equipment, which is mainly through the use of manipulator movement function to complete the soldering operation.The core part of the automatic soldering machine is the soldering system.The soldering system is mainly composed of automatic tin feeding mechanism and temperature control, heating body, soldering head.
Soldering machine factory teaching operation soldering machine knowledge
Automatic soldering machine advantages
Automatic soldering machine has a highly reliable metal anti-static mode design, welding sensitive components more safe.With light and flexible, does not occupy space, temperature, tin feeding speed, tin point size is adjustable and so on.
1. The user software developed based on Windows operating system is more in line with the user's operating habits.
2, real digital program, modify parameters directly input, similar tin point 1 change, insert point delete point one key operation;
3, 12 inch HD touch screen man-machine interface, dynamic display of running track, make your welding process more intuitive.
4, at any time can start tin feeding, fully meet the variety of soldering process and improve the efficiency of the machine.
5. With anti-collision function, reduce the damage rate of machines and products in case of accidental collision (optional function).
6, With fast pneumatic welding ability, each solder spot can choose to use or not to use cylinder (optional function).
7, permission management mode, to prevent operators from modifying parameters by mistake.
8, welding joint type parameters flexible switch, welding joint running speed can be set separately, do not affect each other.
9. With the function of calibration and equiheight, the Angle deviation generated after the mold repositioning can be corrected.
10. Automatic calculation of compensating point, Angle compensation and center compensation can be switched arbitrarily.
Soldering machine factory teaching operation soldering machine knowledge
Automatic soldering machine daily operation essentials
1, when the automatic soldering machine is welding, the pins of the pads and components need to be polished clean with fine sandpaper, coated with flux, with the iron head dipped in the right amount of solder, contact the solder joint, until the solder on the solder joint is melted and immersed in the lead of the component, the electric iron head along the pins of the components gently lift away from the solder joint.
2, soldering machine welding time should not be too long, otherwise it is easy to hot broken components, when necessary, the use of forceps clamping pin to help heat dissipation, soldering machine solder joint should be sinusoidal wave peak shape, the surface should be bright and smooth, free, tin content is moderate.
3, soldering machine after completion of welding, want to use alcohol clean residual flux on the PCB, in case after the carbonized flux affect the normal work of the circuit, integrated circuit should be the final welding, soldering iron should be reliable grounding, or use of waste heat welding, when the power is cut off or using special integrated circuit socket, good welding socket and then plug the integrated circuit, and put it in the iron frame.
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