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How to detect whether the automatic soldering machine has a fault

Release time:2020-08-03 15:12Popularity:

Automatic soldering machine is a kind of automatic soldering equipment, which is mainly through the use of manipulator movement function to complete the soldering operation.Today I will tell you how to detect whether there is a fault in the automatic soldering machine.

How to detect whether the automatic soldering machine has a fault

Automatic soldering machine
1, the power supply and electrical detection of automatic soldering machine, because many faults appear on the surface are here, the power short circuit will cause a fault, the electrical supply will stop working;Therefore, when a fault occurs, the first thing to do is to check the power supply and electricity.
2, then check the position of the soldering machine is for change, sometimes because the operator's mistake and negligence caused the position deviation, will cause the sensor failure, can let a stagnant production, if not resolved in a timely manner, for a long time for production will lead to loose, this problem need maintenance staff to regular testing.
3, pressure control valve and flow control valves in the solder robots, after long-term use can appear between the two iron adhesion, and so on and so forth, so that the electric circuits of the unable to guarantee the normal situation, in the hydraULic system, the pressure regulating spring pressure valve with equipment operation become loose or sliding, so these things in the usual maintenance is also indispensable.
The above is the method to detect whether there is a fault in the automatic soldering machine, I hope to be helpful to you.Today I will stop here for you. For more details, please log in the official website of ULiROBOT or call us.



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