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What kind of harm does artificial soldering have to our body

Release time:2017-11-01 15:47Popularity:
What kind of harm does artificial soldering have to our body
Currently ULi Automatic Soldering machine has been widely applied in the industry, but there are still many enterprises choose manual soldering, actually artificial solder is not only inefficient, but also to have certain harm to the body, below by Shanghai solder vendors would ULiROBOTS talk to everyone, artificial solder is how to employee health hazards:
A, now the factory generally used solder because of the low melting point, containing 60% lead, tin containing 40% or so, so solder itself is toxic.And most of the solder tin on the market is hollow, containing rosin, rosin itself is a chemical agent, in the solder, tin wire rosin melting, volatilizing produced by the gas is toxic gas, harmful to human body.
Two, the lead in solder is a toxic heavy metal, has great harm to the human body, even lead-free solder, which contains a certain amount of lead.The limit of lead smoke in GBZ2-2002 is very low and toxic.
Three, we use electric soldering iron soldering tin, will produce a certain amount of radiation, this radiation has a certain impact on the human body, especially on embryo development, has a great impact, engaged in this industry for a long time, may even lead to infertility.
Four, the smoke produced when soldering, contains chemicals and tin smoke, the damage to the eyes is also very large.
Automatic soldering machine can not only avoid the above problems, but also improve production efficiency, save production and labor costs, is the only choice of enterprise automation transformation.
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