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How to avoid false soldering of automatic soldering machine?

Release time:2018-01-05 15:43Popularity:
Automatic soldering machine false welding: in electronics and device in the process of welding, solder joint on the surface seems to have welding succeeded, but did not actually live welding, sometimes wave with the hand, can lead from welding point set aside, this phenomenon is called false welding, by the power automation below small make up to introduce the automatic soldering machine under false welding how to adjust?
How to avoid false soldering of automatic soldering machine?

How to adjust the reason of false soldering of automatic soldering machine

1. The quality of solder wire is poor.
2. The reduction of flux is poor or the amount is not enough.
3. The surface of the welding place is not cleaned in advance, and the tin plating is not firm.
4. The temperature of the iron head is too high or too low, and there is an oxide layer on the surface.
5. Welding time is too long or too short, not well mastered.
6. When the solder is not solidified during welding, the welding element is loose.

How to adjust the solution of automatic soldering machine

1, blow, and then keep the iron head clean.
Because the electric automatic soldering machine iron head is in a state of high temperature for a long time, its surface is easy to oxidize or burn, so that the thermal conductivity of the iron head will deteriorate and affect the welding quality.Therefore, our company's lean automatic soldering machine in order to improve the life of the soldering iron head, set up an automatic blowing function.
2, Welding time to control, can not be too long.
The proper use of welding time is also an important part of soldering process.If it is the welding of circuit board plug-in, it is generally appropriate to 2 ~ 3S.Welding time is too long, the flux in the solder completely volatilizes, loses the role of welding aid, so that the surface of the solder joint oxidation, resulting in the surface of the solder joint rough, black, not bright, with burr and other defects.The function of flux is to make the solder pad filled with tin quickly after the tin wire contacts the soldering head in the state of high temperature. The higher the content of flux in the tin wire, the faster the melted tin will cover the solder pad.Automatic soldering machine counterparts, the content of tin wire flux requirements are about 3%.
3. Tin need to pay attention to things:
If there are rust, glue, dirt, or oxides on the surface of the welds and solder joints, it should be cleaned before soldering before tinning the welds or solder joints.
4. During the solidification of the solder joint, remember not to touch the solder joint with your hand.
Before the solder joint is completely solidified, even a small vibration will make the solder joint deformation, resulting in virtual welding.Therefore, before the iron head is removed, the welding parts should be fixed and the solder joint solidification time should be reserved.
5. The temperature of welding should be appropriate, not too high or too low.
6. Press the soldering head to the solder pad to facilitate heat conduction.
Warm prompt: by force automation about automatic soldering machine false welding how to adjust it to share here, the existence of false welding greatly reduce the reliability of the whole product, production process to cause unnecessary maintenance, increase the production cost, reduce the production efficiency, has caused a lot of factory product quality, safety, increase the after-sales maintenance costs, so we should try to avoid in the process of automatic soldering machine work off the appearance of weld.
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