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There are four common situations of automatic soldering machine welding tin tip

Release time:2021-03-04 15:49Popularity:
Automatic soldering machine has four common situations of tin tip welding, automatic soldering machine three dimensional omni-directional adjustment, so that the soldering iron /UL soldering platform and soldering nozzle and tin line are not required by the hands of the operator, it completely replaces your hands, the arm can be adjusted to any welding position you want.In order to improve production, the ideal quality of welding, then the problem comes, automatic soldering machine in the welding process, we often meet the situation of welding products with tin tip, but there are many friends do not know how to deal with the problem of products with tin tip, the following is simple to say a few points, for your reference!
There are four common situations of automatic soldering machine welding tin tip
1.Soldering time is too long
If the solder time is too long, the flux will evaporate, and the tip of the solder belt is very easy to happen.
2.The iron head is oxidized
The iron head is oxidized, the shape of the solder and the normal will be different, resulting in the solder tip;On the other hand, the larger tin surface will also lead to the solder tip.
3.Tin wire quality problem
Tin line quality problems are generally tin line flux content is less, the effect of soldering tin can not reach the standard.
4.The solder temperature is too high
The solder temperature is too high and the solder time is too long, the temperature is too high the flux volatilization rate is fast, the solder tip is prone to occur.
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