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Automatic soldering machine stabilizes soldering microelectronic circuit board

Release time:2020-11-06 13:22Popularity:
As microelectronic circuits become significantly more integrated and smaller in size, the number of solder joints increases, and the failure of one solder joint may result in the overall failure of the device.It can be seen that the reliability of micro-joint solder joints of electronic components has become one of the key problems in the field of electronic welding.
Automatic soldering machine stabilizes soldering microelectronic circuit board
There are many factors that can affect solder joints, such as solder material, flux, temperature, welding tools, welding environment, etc. All can affect solder joints reliability.Automatic soldering machine is a welding tool, which can improve the welding efficiency and make the solder joint more reliable.
Automatic soldering machine stabilizes soldering microelectronic circuit board
1.Automatic soldering machine can make the flux and solder in the most appropriate temperature work.  
Fluxes and solders have specific temperature requirements.Too high or too low a temperature can affect the microstructure of the solder joint.Microstructure is the intermetallic compound layer or interfacial reaction layer formed during welding.This is a major factor in determining the reliability of solder joints.Automatic solder with real-time temperature monitoring system, can real-time accurate control of solder temperature, to ensure that the flux and solder work at the most appropriate temperature.
2.  Automatic welding machines make the welding process more flexible.  
The Angle of the soldering head, the welding time, the output of tin and the welding method all directly affect the welding process.In the manual welding era, these factors can vary from person to person, resulting in poor solder joint quality, uneven.The automatic soldering machine is controlled by computer program, the soldering head can rotate 360°, and the solder can be quantitated regularly to ensure the quality of the solder joint.  
Automatic soldering machine can be more scientific welding, avoid the interference of human factors, and make the solder joint more reliable.
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