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Automatic soldering machine industry development analysis

Release time:2018-02-02 15:16Popularity:
Automatic soldering machine industry development analysis
In recent years, the wave of automation swept China, the automatic soldering machine industry is also in full swing, the form of manufacturing consumption, also began to change, the automatic soldering machine industry prospect seems to be very wonderful, a sunrise, according to data statistics: this seems to be a good industry is suffering from the "Chinese" dilemma?Above, please follow the pace of the small series to explore the current situation of the automatic soldering machine industry and the existence of the results?
 First, the price of the original data will continue to fall
In recent years, the electronic industry continues to develop rapidly and the elements of the international market increase the demand for raw materials from time to time, forming sufficient local raw materials;As well as the recent adjustment of the country's resource tax on copper, aluminum and other ores, the solder machine and other electronic goods face more and more serious pressure of the rising cost of consumption such as the price drop of the original material.Soldering machine industry suffered copper, aluminum and silicon steel sheet and other secondary raw material slump, and these secondary raw material prices continue to be at a high level.As the price of original data continues to fall, profit space is squeezed.
Second, manpower cost rises sharply
 In the future, China's human cost has become an indisputable reality, and will be an increasing trend year by year.These are because China's demographic dividend has entered a key point of the decision.
Third, homogenization development, small scale, imperfect commodity chain
 The number of automatic soldering machine manufacturers is large but the scale is small, the commodity chain is not perfect, and the foreign inferior enterprises lack of strong and weak competition ability.The homogenization of soldering machine industry is carried out, and the excessive concentration of various enterprises in commodity composition and market orientation leads to vicious competition in price, which damages all the interests of the soldering machine industry.
Fourth, the shortage of relevant professionals
 Because of the particularity of the soldering machine industry, there are special requirements for enterprises and talents engaged in this industry.Soldering machine consumer enterprises generally exist in the lack of technical personnel, talent is difficult to find.In particular, there is still a big gap between the development of artificial intelligence software and foreign countries.
Fifth, resource consumption and environmental performance will be further highlighted.
Due to the rapid development of China's economic establishment over the past ten years, China has become the world's solder machinery manufacturing power, but still far from a powerful country.Although the soldering machine industry has a large output, it is mostly concentrated in low-end goods, with serious resource consumption and outstanding environmental performance.
Sixth, the international soldering machine industry lacks central technology
Although the soldering machine industry is a small industry, but the commodity has touched a number of disciplines and many disciplines intensive interspersion, to a large extent, but also depends on the maturity and improvement of other industries, such as insulation data, electromagnetic data, power electronic devices, computer technology, etc.At present, limited by many factors such as technical foundation, capital and so on, it is very difficult for China's soldering machine industry to complete the continuous and leapfrog development, relying solely on its own capital and strength, or relying only on export information and devices to complete the commodity update and rapid development.
This scene practice reflects that the development of spot welding machine industry will be limited by the overall scientific and technological strength of our country, the development of the use of industry can not be separated from the improvement of the national base industry.A small number of enterprises unilaterally pursue the expansion of scale, use intensive consumption mode to improve production in order to achieve a large market share, most of them are difficult to raise a small amount of funds to stop the development of high-end goods, goods copy and plagiarism is serious, in the intellectual property rights are increasingly paid attention to tomorrow, the development potential of enterprises is lack.In addition, it is precisely because the international robot giants have their eyes on the huge cake of Chinese robot market that, through price strategy, they squeeze:
Chinese market peers, facing such civil unrest, and the international automatic soldering machine did not collude differences, bad competition does not pay attention to innovation of new technology, homogenization is serious, a large number of manufacturers did not reach the scale of operation and other results at the same time with the domestic automatic soldering machine, so that it is more difficult to carry out, the prospect is worrying
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