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China's automatic soldering machine research and development and production, still mainly to small and medium-sized ente

Release time:2017-12-25 15:20Popularity:
All along, China's independent research and development technology lags behind developed countries, automatic soldering machine industry is no exception.At present, China is engaged in the research and development of automatic soldering machine production enterprises to small and medium-sized, large scale, strong comprehensive strength of the enterprise is not much.The core technology depends on foreign countries, and the spare parts are mainly imported. These costs account for more than half of the total cost, which greatly reduces the competitiveness of automatic soldering machine manufacturers.
China's automatic soldering machine research and development and production, still mainly to small and medium-sized enterprises
Although automatic soldering machine in China market is very broad, especially in recent years, rising labor costs, many factories urgently needs to realize the automatic production, a lot of automation enterprise come into the market, prices fell, but still very accurate meet the demand of market, higher prices are special non-standard custom automatic soldering machine, used, or to the development of the industry.
Compared with foreign automatic soldering machine, the machine developed in China is mainly at a disadvantage in precision and speed, especially in the core technology has not made a major breakthrough.
There are still many disadvantages in the development of China's automatic soldering machine industry, especially in the aspect of core competitiveness.
Disadvantage 1: the industry chain of automatic soldering machine is too scattered.Automatic soldering machine production and manufacturing mainly concentrated private scope, most of the small scale, can not cluster development, and the shortage of development funds, only one enterprise can achieve all aspects of the breakthrough, which has a great obstacle for the future development.
Disadvantage 2: automatic soldering machine industry is still in its early stages, but investment overheating situation gradually appear, automatic soldering of global scale vendors would also dozen, but our country has reached more than 200 automatic soldering machine company, mainly concentrated in Dongguan andShenzhen, low investment threshold, appear the phenomenon of blind investment, blossoming, and to industry norms.
Disadvantage three: automatic soldering machine manufacturers poor brand awareness.Foreign brands account for the vast majority of the market.Compared with international brands, automatic brands are still in a weak position.However, these small production companies have little or no brand awareness, so it is difficult to establish their own brands.And foreign brands of automatic soldering machine profit margins, so the development prospects of the independent brand is not optimistic.
The main reason for the slow development of automatic soldering machine is because there is no lack of core competitiveness, there is no ability to fight, do not know how to fight, what to fight for the situation.
What is the impact on the price of automatic soldering machine?There are three main points:
First of all, the most expensive automatic soldering machine belongs to foreign brands, the price is generally much higher than our domestic, or even several times.Their prices are generally between 100,000 yuan and 1 million yuan, and the general price is about 200,000 or 300,000 yuan.Although expensive, but value for money, according to the long-term interests, or more cost-effective, this kind of automatic soldering machine customer groups are generally large enterprises, strong economic strength.But at present, with the rise of domestic brands, the market share of foreign brands of automatic soldering machine is gradually eroded, mainly because their high price is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to accept, but also more and more can not get the recognition of the domestic market.
Second, pure domestic automatic soldering machine brand, is refers to whether in technology or accessories are on their own research and development, the use of domestic suppliers accessories, price between 10000 and 30000, was one of those cheaper models, but in terms of quality to sell at a discount greatly, the biggest problem is the poor stability, soldering quality can't get reliable guarantee, so the automatic soldering vendors would development way is also struggling.
Finally, it is also a domestic brand of automatic soldering machine, but the price is about 8-200 thousand, which is a high-end product.Then why is it a domestic brand and why is the price so different?The reason is very simple, in fact, these automatic soldering machine manufacturers introduced foreign technology to develop, parts are also imported from abroad, relatively speaking, its quality is more reliable, the most important is cost-effective, but also the most loved by domestic electronic enterprises.
After all, the price of automatic soldering machine is mainly determined by its own technical level.

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